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Photo by Siska de Paz


When looking back, I see several milestones that were defining my life journey. 

Being born on International Women's Day, being the youngest and only girl with 4 elder brothers, it seemed predestined that at one point in my life, I would support and empower women :)

Following my passion for foreign cultures, I studied Sinology and International Relations in Leuven and loved traveling and exploring unknown destinations in different continents.
After a decade working in Belgium, I moved to Slovakia together with my dear husband in 2004. 

Since then we are enjoying living in beautiful cities in Central Europe, reliving history from different angles, exploring interesting cultures, meeting lovely people.  

My career was colourful and polyvalent. Experiencing the life of an entrepreneur, sales manager, HR consultant, employee at the Belgian Embassy... different jobs, reinventing myself, searching for meaning and challenge.  When our twins were born in 2009, it was written in the stars that my professional aspirations would be on a low level for a while :)

I found my passion as part of my healing journey, after dealing with digestive issues. Got fascinated by the power of food as medicine and the amazing abilities of our own body to heal naturally. My curious nature led me to explore the science of Nutritional Therapy, a new challenge on my journey.

I was lucky to meet inspiring yoga, mindfulness, body & mind therapy teachers and friends in Prague and Budapest. My naturopath Katerina Boesenberg in Prague, who recommended me Nature Care College and supervised my clinical practice. My soul-sister Payal, with whom I established Back on Track Budapest and organised a series of Integrative Workshops and Retreats educating on healthy lifestyle.

Gradually I came to realise that true healing only can happen if a person is treated as whole, on the level of body, mind and soul. It is all interconnected. Why can it be so difficult to make changes, even though we're clear on what we need to do? What is keeping us from taking action?

To be able to guide people through the whole process, a piece of the puzzle was missing. I found a wonderful mentor in Eva Storm from Lazuli Training and got a M
aster in H-NLP and Life Coaching. But more important , I learned that life is filled with endless possibilities, we just have to open our minds and hearts to see them.


Back to where I started, Women's Health became my area of focus and expertise.  As I was going through my own menopausal transition, I realized how important it was to take control of my health through proper nutrition & lifestyle. I learned how to master (peri)menopausal complaints naturally. The heart and soul of my work is to inspire and empower women to do the same, so they can Thrive in Midlife.


Yours in health, 



  • Master in Sinology and postgraduate in International Relations K.U.Leuven

  • Advanced diploma in Integrative Nutritional Therapeutics (2014-2018 NNC, Sydney)

  • Nordic DNA Life certified practitioner  (Feb 2016, London - March 2021, online)

  • H-NLP master and Life coach (2016-2019 Lazuli, Berchem)

  • Child and Adolescent coach (2018, Lazuli, Berchem)

  • Spiritual Psychology and Life Lessons (2018 Lazuli, Berchem)

  • ION (The Institute for Optimum Nutrition, London) short courses:    

- Women's health and the HPA & HPG axes - 2021, Dr. Nina Fuller-Shavel

- Nutrition for Children's Health: practical assessment & approaches for improving brain, immune and    gut function - 2021, Dr. Lucinda Miller 

- Long Covid: framework for improving energy + resolving inflammation - 2021, Dr. Sarah Myhill

- Optimising Bone Health through Diet and Lifestyle - 2022, Lorraine Nicolle

- Mastering Menopause in Clinical Practice - 2024, Charlotte Hunter

  • Herbal Remedies (2024, Bridging the Gap for Health Practitioners , Gabi Forrester)


Image by Hikarinoshita Hikari
Healing may not be so much about getting better,
as about letting go of everything that isn't you -
all of the expectations, all of the beliefs -

and becoming who you are

Rachel Naomi Remen

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